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Big Ben


名词英国伦敦议会大厦顶的大钟,美国得州西南部的国立大本德公园(Big Bend National Park); 大本钟

  • 网络解释

1. 大钟:另外,该表每日正午响敲响12次钟声,这12响跟普信阁一样的钟声,将可与伦敦的英国议会大厦大钟(Big Ben)媲美,成为汉城著名的标志性建筑之一.

London has many attractions, such as Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.(伦敦有许多名胜,例如大笨钟和白金汉宫。)
As the blackout hour moved across the globe, London's Big Ben, Paris' Eiffel Tower, and Arc de Triomphe flipped the switch.(当熄灯运动在全球展开时,伦敦的大本钟、巴黎铁塔、以及凯旋门都关了开关。)
The first place (that) they visited in London was the Big Ben.(在伦敦他们参观的第一个地方是大本钟。)
It was a family reunion for Big Ben.(这对大本来说是一次家庭重逢。)
I saw Big Ben and Tower Bridge.(我见到了大本钟和塔桥。)
Big Ben is not alone in its disrepair.(大本钟年久失修的案子并不是个例。)
THE red Routemaster bus is one of London's abiding ICONS, its curvaceous silhouette as recognisable as Big Ben.(“司路者”公交车是伦敦具有历史感的标志之一,其流线型的轮廓使之同大本钟一样容易辨识。)
The chimes of Big Ben.(大本钟的悦耳钟声。)
Big Ben and one other horse were the only ones who went back to being champions.(另一匹马再也不能比赛了。大本和另外一匹马是唯一两匹能继续比赛夺冠的马。)
Then we would have classes or go on a sight seeing trip to different places of interest like Big Ben.(然后我们会上课或去不同的名胜古迹,像大本钟。)
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